Badger's Fancy Meal

Badger’s Fancy Meal by Keiko Kasza. 

Badger has a den full of food, but he wants something fancier, so he heads out to look for it.  He sees all sorts of yummy-looking animals as he explores, but they all escape him.  What he doesn’t realize is that they are all escaping into his food-filled den. Only when he has lost it, does he realize the value of what he already had.

This is a clever book that will be very familiar to adults, but is fresh for children.  The device of using a turning page to hide from badger what happened on the last page but allows children to view it is very clever and fun.  As always, Kasza’s illustrations are winningly done and will project well to a group of children. 

I would recommend this for a thanksgiving story that is free of Pilgrims.  It shows not only a love of food but offers a device to really talk about what we should be thankful for.

One thought on “Badger's Fancy Meal

  1. I have read this book to my storytime kids. When it first came in, I thought it would be great for my Thanksgiving theme. The kids loved it. The plot is great and they thought the badger hunting down the fancy meals were exciting & a thrill. It kept them riveted. I put it in my PRO collection to read on the fly to school groups or whenever I need something in a hurry, with my other all time favorites. Also, parents liked the moral of it, sort of a; be happy and eat what’s put before you. This book made me laugh out loud when I first read it and the pictures are delightful.


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