Waking Brain Cells Anniversary


This weekend my blog turned 15 years old! It’s hard to believe that I’ve been doing this for that long. It started when my son was a toddler and now he’s about to enter his senior year of high school. My daughter was just entering school, now she’s starting her final year of college.

The landscape for children’s literature has changed as well. The focus on diverse voices telling their own story is the most gratifying to see happening. I’m hoping that my focus on sharing my favorites of these books is a small help in getting them seen and available in libraries. Our libraries need to reflect our communities, show them diverse voices from around the world, and celebrate our differences as we build a strong community for children.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through children’s books and literature. I appreciate my readers, the publishers who share their books with me, and all of the authors and creators who do the hard work of dreaming and writing for us all.

4 thoughts on “Waking Brain Cells Anniversary

  1. Thank YOU for blogging and sharing your book reviews. As a new librarian 11 years ago, I somehow found your blog and it has helped me curate and stock the shelves in the three school libraries I have worked in since that time. Even when I was pushed out of the library and into a second grade classroom for 3 years, I still read your blog and kept notes for when I could get back to the shelves! Congratulations on such a milestone!


    1. Erin, you have brought tears to my eyes with this. Thank you for reading, for finding my reviews useful. You have made my year!


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