Review: Henny by Elizabeth Rose Stanton



Henny by Elizabeth Rose Stanton

Henny was born just a little different than all of the other chickens.  She was born with arms instead of wings!  Henny liked her arms sometimes like when they flapped when she ran.  Other times, she didn’t like her arms.  Sometimes she liked being different and other times it made her feel sad and lonely.  Henny had to worry about different things than other chickens like gloves or mittens.  She tried to fit in with the other chickens, but she was always different no matter what she did.  Then one day, she caught a falling egg and started to see how many ways she could use her arms and hands.

Stanton has captured exactly what it feels like to be distinctly different from others and the transformation that can occur when you realize the good parts of being unique.  The text of the book is simple.  She uses humor throughout the book to make sure the spirit stays light, even during Henny’s darker moments of doubt.

The watercolor illustrations are also quite funny.  I particularly love the image of Henny running with her arms flapping behind her and that being one of Henny’s favorite things about her arms.  By the end of the book, you are almost surprised to see other chickens with wings since the arms suit Henny perfectly.

A great pick to start discussions about being different, the light touch here keeps the subject approachable.  Appropriate for ages 4-6.

Reviewed from copy received from Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.

2014 Charlotte Zolotow Award

Cooperative Children's Book Center

The amazing Cooperative Children’s Book Center has named the winner and honor books for the 2014 Charlotte Zolotow Award which is given to outstanding writing in a picture book published in the United States in the previous year.  It is a delight to see many of my personal favorites of the year on their list.


The Dark

The Dark by Lemony Snicket, illustrated by Jon Klassen



Building Our House My Cold Plum Lemon Pie Bluesy Mood Sophie's Squash

Building Our House by Jonathan Bean

My Cold Plum Lemon Pie Bluesy Mood by Tameka Fryer Brown, illustrated by Shane W. Evans

Sophie’s Squash by Pat Zietlow Miller, illustrated by Anne Wilsdorf

This Is the Rope: A Story From the Great Migration 15929160

This Is the Rope: A Story from the Great Migration by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by James Ransome

Year of the Jungle: Memories from the Home Front by Suzanne Collins, illustrated by James Proimos



Big Snow Max and the Tag-Along Moon Niño Wrestles the World

Big Snow by Jonathan Bean

Max and the Tag-Along Moon by Floyd Cooper

Nino Wrestles the World by Yuyi Morales

The Silver Button When No One is Watching

The Silver Button by Bob Graham

When No One Is Watching by Eileen Spinelli, illustrated by David A. Johnson