Review: Larf by Ashley Spires


Larf by Ashley Spires

Larf is a sasquatch who is left entirely alone because no one believes he exists.  He’s pretty sure that he’s the only sasquatch in the world, since he has never met another one.  He lives a very quiet life in the woods, alone with his pet bunny, Eric.  So when Larf hears that a sasquatch is to appear in the nearby city of Hunderfitz, he is astounded.  After all, he wasn’t planning an appearance.  Larf then realizes that he might not be the only sasquatch in the world.  Larf disguises himself as a human and heads off to the city by bus.  But when he gets there, he finds that the sasquatch is actually a guy in a costume.  The give-away was the zipper and the small feet.  Never fear though, Larf is in for one more big surprise.

Spires has written a picture book that is clever, full of little touches that add to the humor, and a delight to read.  As with all of her books, this one reads aloud beautifully, thanks to her light touch in the writing and the pleasure of the pacing.   The setting is firmly modern, but Larf’s life is rustic and warm, with the added touch of his vegetarian lifestyle.

The illustrations with their friendly depiction of a big, hairy sasquatch are also filled with fun.  They too carry small touches that add to the fun.  I love the disguise that Larf wears to the city, particularly the front bunny carrier that he has on. 

Perfect for a not-scary-at-all monster story time, this book is a big-hearted, enormous success.  Appropriate for ages 4-6.

Reviewed from copy received from Kids Can Press.