Off for a Bit

Spending the waning days of summer vacation with my boys.  We will make a trek to Chicago to visit some of our favorite museums and have some lazy days too. 

Posting will be sporadic at best.  See you in September!

Anne Frank’s Chestnut Tree

From Treehugger comes the news that the chestnut tree that was outside Anne Frank’s attic window has fallen. It is the tree that she mentioned often in her diary.  The tree was 152 years old and has been dying for some time.  There was a support structure holding it up.

It says so much about the power of books and the connections they build that I have tears standing in my eyes.  I haven’t read this book for years and years, but I remember it deep inside. 

Others obviously do too, since there are six genetically identical species being nurtured which are already 7 feet tall.  One will be planted to replace the mother tree.  Others are headed to Holocaust museums around the world.

The power and connection of literature continues just as this tree will.