Kirkus Reviews’ Best Children’s Books of 2011


Kirkus has posted their Best Children’s books of 2011.  We will have to wait until November 28 to see their best Teen Books.  You can browse the book list in its entirety or nicely, they have also broken the list into themes.  So if you just want to look at nonfiction, you can. 

I see many of my favorites of the year.  Then there are others that I read but didn’t adore.  And happily, there are others that I’ll add to my list to read.

What favorites do you see on the list?

Anne McCaffrey Died Yesterday


The incredible Anne McCaffrey has died at age 85.  Her work has had an indelible effect on the world of science fiction and fantasy.  She created worlds that came to life and were embraced by fans. 

Personally, I have read most of her books.  I loved the Pern books, raced through The Ship Who Sang series, and later discovered the Crystal Singer series and loved that too.  Her books were infinitely readable and shareable. 

Now I have to find some of them and get them in the hands of my teenage son.  I know no better way to celebrate her life than sharing her books with a new reader.