This Week’s Tweets

Here are the tweets I shared this week:


20 Must-Read Middle Grade Books of Fall 2018 |

30 Incredible for 2nd and 3rd Grade, another

Educators Must Mind Tone Policing, writes

Idris Elba Sets ‘Ghetto Cowboy’ as Next Film

Thoughtful, eloquent Neil Gaiman on books for kids – ‘unparalleled ability to foster empathy’ & there are no ‘bad’ books or ‘bad’ authors for children via

A touch of the macabre in children’s books is nothing to be scared of | Eleanor Margolis


11 Upcoming Romantic YA Novels That Might Just Be Your New Favorite Rom-Com via

Upcoming YA movie, Hush, Hush, is the new Twilight

Review: Under the Same Sky by Britta Teckentrup

Under the Same Sky by Britta Teckentrup

Under the Same Sky by Britta Teckentrup (9781680100945)

This picture book provides a moving look at our interconnected nature around the world. The text is poetic and flowing while the illustrations show animals from different regions and climates. Everyone lives under the same sky, loves in the same way. We play the same games, sing the same songs. We all face challenges and dream big dreams. Through the clever use of cutouts on the pages and dramatic page turns, this picture book is simple and stirring.

Teckentrup excels at creating picture books with unique elements. Here she uses page cutouts to glimpse the beginning of each stanza, tying the different parts of the world even more firmly together. The text is simple and straightforward. It is the illustrations that really shine, showing all sorts of animals living and loving together no matter where they live. The art has a gorgeous light and depth to it, filled with moonlight, sunshine and even the pastels of dawn.

A lovely and simple look at our interconnected world. Appropriate for ages 2-4.

Reviewed from library copy.